

2013 Fall Schedule and Results

09/27/13Los Altos #36:30 at*Angels (coed)L6-24
09/27/13Los Altos #37:30 *Angels (coed)L2-15
10/04/13Bullhead #36:30 *Bad CompanyL5-22
10/04/13Bullhead #38:30 at*Honey Badgers 1W12-6
10/11/137:30 at*Master Batters CoedL8-10
10/11/13Los Altos #28:30 *Inglourious BattersW17-10
10/18/13Bullhead #37:30 at*MisfitsL8-9
10/18/13Bullhead #28:30 *Catch 22W8-6
10/25/13Los Altos #36:30 at*Master Batters CoedL14-15
10/25/13Los Altos #37:30 *MisfitsW17-10
04/28/146:30 at*Goin DeepL5-15
05/05/14Bullhead #37:30 *The Justice LeagueW22-3
05/12/14Vietnam Vets #27:30 at*Beer TakersL11-12
05/19/14Los Altos #27:30 at*MonarchsL9-10
06/02/146:30 *Full Throtle (coed)W14-7
06/09/14Bullhead #47:30 at*The GapW16-11
06/16/14Bullhead #48:30 at*Pitch Slap (coed)L15-16
06/23/14Los Altos #38:30 *Goin DeepW23-20
06/30/14Bullhead #37:30 at*The Justice LeagueW15-14
07/07/14Bullhead #26:30 *Beer TakersL2-12
07/14/14Bullhead #17:30 *MonarchsL3-14
07/21/147:30 at*Full Throtle (coed)W7-0
07/28/14Martinez Town6:30 *The GapW21-1
08/04/14Bullhead #26:30 *Pitch Slap (coed)W9-8
08/11/147:30 at*Goin DeepL14-17
08/18/14Bullhead #17:30 *The Justice LeagueW16-6
03/13/16Bullhead #15:30 *FuriesL1-17
03/13/16Bullhead #16:30 at*Hooters and SticksL6-13
03/20/165:30 at*Nice SnatchL3-13
03/20/166:30 *Master Batters CoedL3-21
04/03/166:30 at*HighlightersL5-18
04/03/167:30 at*Honey BadgersL2-26
04/10/16Los Altos #26:30 *Hittin ItL1-37
04/10/16Los Altos #27:30 at*FuriesL7-27
04/25/16Bullhead #37:30 at*Crushers (coed)L9-10
05/02/16Vietnam Vets #26:30 at*Goin DeepW12-7
05/02/16Vietnam Vets #27:30 at*ChaosW24-2
05/09/16Bullhead #36:30 at*MonarchsW27-3
05/16/16Vietnam Vets #18:30 *Beer Takersscheduled
05/23/16Bullhead #47:30 *InjunsW13-11
06/06/16Bullhead #17:30 *Pitch Slap (coed)W11-0
06/13/16Bullhead #28:30 at*A R BallersW18-12
06/20/16Bullhead #36:30 at*InjunsL17-18
06/27/16Bullhead #26:30 *ChaosW17-10
07/11/16Los Altos #17:30 *Crushers (coed)W16-5
07/18/16Bullhead #36:30 *Goin Deeprainout
07/25/16Los Altos #16:30 *MonarchsW16-7
08/01/16Bullhead #36:30 at*Beer TakersW17-8
08/08/16Bullhead #17:30 *A R BallersL6-9
08/08/16Bullhead #18:30 at*Pitch Slap (coed)W20-10
08/15/16Bullhead #36:30 *Goin DeepW10-4

[view entire schedule for this league]

2013 Fall Standings Position

Coed Coed E-4 Lge. (Fri) Q4
teamW-L-T  %RFRADiffstk
1Angels (coed)10-0-0 1.000 1769185W1
2Bad Company9-1-0 .900 18279103W5
3Master Batters Coed8-2-0 .800 1739182W3
4Scared Hitless (Coed)4-6-0 .400 97127-30W1
5Misfits3-7-0 .300 126157-31L2
6Inglourious Batters2-8-0 .200 73188-115L2
7Honey Badgers 12-8-0 .200 87134-47L3
8Catch 222-8-0 .200 112159-47L5


2016 Summer Coed CE312-3-0
2016 Spring Coed CE20-8-0
2014 Summer Coed E-1 League (Mon) L19-7-0
• 2013 Fall Coed E-4 Lge. (Fri) Q44-6-0


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