CABQ 2015 Summer Softball League

SCHEDULE FOR:Baptist Beaconsdivision: ChC

04/21/14Barelas #18:30 Baptist BeaconsHermitsW 21-19
04/28/14Vietnam Vets #26:30 Baptist BeaconsB C AW 28-5
05/05/14Vietnam Vets #16:30 IronmenBaptist BeaconsL< 12-17
05/05/14Vietnam Vets #27:30 Baptist BeaconsAmistad Cristiana ChurchW 21-10
05/12/14Barelas #37:30 Baptist BeaconsS.O.S.W 19-9
05/19/14Los Altos #47:30 HermitsBaptist BeaconsL< 15-16
06/02/14Los Altos #46:30 B C ABaptist BeaconsW 24-5
06/02/14Los Altos #48:30 Baptist BeaconsIronmenW 13-11
06/09/14Tingley #27:30 Amistad Cristiana ChurchBaptist BeaconsW 19-3
06/16/14Vietnam Vets #18:30 S.O.S.Baptist BeaconsW 26-18
06/23/14Barelas #17:30 Baptist BeaconsSaints & SinnersW 15-12
06/30/14Vietnam Vets #26:30 B C ABaptist BeaconsL< 9-10
07/07/14Los Altos #16:30 Baptist BeaconsHermitsW 10-0
07/07/14Vietnam Vets #18:30 S.O.S.Baptist BeaconsL< 8-9
07/14/14Barelas #36:30 Mountainside Sons Of ThunBaptist BeaconsW 11-9
07/21/14Los Altos #48:30 Saints & SinnersBaptist BeaconsW 34-6
07/28/14Los Altos #46:30 Baptist BeaconsB C AW 11-0
07/28/14Los Altos #47:30 Baptist BeaconsS.O.S.W 11-10
08/04/14Tingley #28:30 HermitsBaptist BeaconsW 16-2
08/11/14Bullhead #27:30 Baptist BeaconsMountainside Sons Of ThunW 22-4
04/20/15Bullhead #36:30 S.O.S.Baptist BeaconsW 25-22
04/27/15Bullhead #26:30 IronmenBaptist BeaconsW 21-15
04/27/15Bullhead #27:30 Baptist BeaconsKoinonosW 19-14
05/04/15Los Altos #27:30 Baptist BeaconsHermits


05/11/15Bullhead #48:30 Sacifice Men`s ChurchBaptist BeaconsL< 21-22
05/18/15Bullhead #37:30 Baptist BeaconsS.O.S.W 24-13
05/18/15Bullhead #38:30 KoinonosBaptist BeaconsW 21-16
05/26/15Los Altos #18:30 Baptist BeaconsHermitsL< 11-21
06/01/15Bullhead #36:30 Baptist BeaconsIronmenW 20-15
06/08/15Bullhead #36:30 HermitsBaptist BeaconsW 14-7
06/15/15Bullhead #38:30 Baptist BeaconsSacifice Men`s ChurchL< 11-25
06/22/15Los Altos #17:30 Montgomery C of CBaptist BeaconsW 21-13
06/29/15Barelas #36:30 Baptist BeaconsAMC Fighting DovesL< 1-9
06/29/15Barelas #37:30 Grace ChurchBaptist BeaconsW 16-9
07/06/15Bullhead #47:30 Duke CityBaptist Beacons


07/13/15Bullhead #27:30 AMC Fighting DovesBaptist BeaconsL< 10-12
07/13/15Bullhead #28:30 Baptist BeaconsH-TownL< 15-27
07/20/15Bullhead #36:30 Baptist BeaconsMontgomery C of CW 12-11
07/27/15Barelas #36:30 Baptist BeaconsGrace ChurchL< 15-16
08/03/15Los Altos #28:30 Baptist BeaconsDuke CityL< 13-18
08/10/15Bullhead #26:30 H-TownBaptist BeaconsL< 1-11
08/17/15Los Altos #47:30 Duke CityBaptist BeaconsL< 13-14
08/24/15Los Altos #46:30 Baptist BeaconsSacifice Men`s ChurchL< 7-11
04/18/16Barelas #36:30 A M C Fighting DovesBaptist BeaconsW 44-4
04/25/16Vietnam Vets #18:30 Sacifice Men`s ChurchBaptist BeaconsL< 7-31
05/02/16Martinez Town6:30 H-TownBaptist BeaconsL< 5-19
05/02/16Martinez Town7:30 Baptist BeaconsMontgomery C of CL< 24-26
05/09/16Barelas #26:30 Baptist BeaconsRedemptionL< 4-7
05/09/16Barelas #27:30 Baptist BeaconsA M C Fighting DovesW 20-17
05/16/16Vietnam Vets #17:30 Baptist BeaconsSacifice Men`s ChurchW 6-5
05/23/16Barelas #37:30 Montgomery C of CBaptist BeaconsW 19-14
06/06/16Barelas #18:30 Baptist BeaconsH-TownL< 14-17
06/13/16Barelas #37:30 RedemptionBaptist BeaconsW 19-6
06/20/16Barelas #28:30 Set ApartBaptist BeaconsL< 20-22
06/27/16Bullhead #18:30 Sacifice Men`s ChurchBaptist BeaconsW 22-7
07/11/16Vietnam Vets #26:30 Copper Point ChurchBaptist BeaconsL< 3-5
07/11/16Vietnam Vets #27:30 Baptist BeaconsMontgomery C of CL< 9-13
07/18/16Barelas #36:30 Baptist BeaconsRedemption


07/18/16Barelas #37:30 Baptist BeaconsSet Apart


07/25/16Barelas #37:30 Baptist BeaconsSacifice Men`s ChurchL< 7-19
08/01/16Barelas #38:30 Montgomery C of CBaptist BeaconsL< 15-16
08/08/16Barelas #37:30 Baptist BeaconsCopper Point Church


08/15/16Barelas #17:30 RedemptionBaptist BeaconsL< 19-20
08/15/16Barelas #18:30 Baptist BeaconsCopper Point ChurchW 10-9
08/22/16Los Altos #36:30 Baptist BeaconsRedemption


08/22/16Los Altos #37:30 Baptist BeaconsSet ApartL< 10-34
08/29/16Los Altos #46:30 Baptist BeaconsRedemptionL< 6-17

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