CABQ 2015 Spring Softball League


03/16/15Bullhead #17:30 HAVOCRevolution lW 21-20
03/16/15Bullhead #18:30 Knights of ColumbusHAVOCW 26-6
03/23/15Bullhead #26:30 HAVOCThe Cable Guys W 21-20
03/23/15Bullhead #18:30 Hign FidelityHAVOCW 26-13
03/30/15Bullhead #26:30 HAVOCGarden HosersLF< 0-7
03/30/15Bullhead #27:30 Knights of ColumbusHAVOCW 28-3
04/06/15Los Altos #26:30 HAVOCRedemptionW 20-10
04/06/15Los Altos #37:30 Abq. HeatHAVOCW 19-12
04/27/15Los Altos #48:30 HapticHAVOCW 23-14
05/04/15Barelas #26:30 HAVOCAir Guard


05/11/15Los Altos #47:30 War Pigs 1HAVOCW 26-18
05/18/156:30 HAVOCSumco One ShortW 16-15
06/01/15Los Altos #46:30 SanchosHAVOCW 11-6
06/08/15Barelas #28:30 HAVOCCrushersL< 12-25
06/15/15Barelas #36:30 HAVOCAnomolyW 20-11
06/22/15Barelas #18:30 HAVOCHittersW 8-5
06/29/15Los Altos #46:30 BailliosHAVOCL< 10-23
07/06/15Barelas #17:30 Abq. HeatHAVOCW 19-10
07/13/15Tingley #17:30 HAVOCDirt BagsW 9-7
07/20/15Barelas #18:30 HAVOCHapticW 27-26
07/27/15Los Altos #46:30 Air GuardHAVOCW 18-14
08/10/15Los Altos #46:30 Sumco One ShortHAVOCL< 6-7
08/10/15Los Altos #47:30 HAVOCWar Pigs 1L< 16-18
08/17/15Barelas #18:30 Pi-DadsHAVOCW 21-9
08/24/15Barelas #16:30 HAVOCAir GuardW 11-7
03/14/16Barelas #17:30 HAVOCGorilla BallL< 1-31
03/14/16Barelas #18:30 War Pigs 1HAVOCW 19-15
03/21/16Barelas #26:30 HAVOCHapticL< 13-14
03/21/16Barelas #18:30 HAVOCBaptism By FireL< 12-21
03/28/16Barelas #17:30 Sumco One ShortHAVOCL< 15-33
03/28/16Barelas #18:30 HAVOCWar Pigs 1L< 11-19
04/04/16Barelas #16:30 HapticHAVOCL< 18-19
04/04/16Barelas #28:30 Gorilla BallHAVOCW 22-21
04/25/16Barelas #18:30 Abq. HeatHAVOCW 49-21
05/02/16Los Altos #47:30 Sumco One ShortHAVOCW 25-15
05/09/16Barelas #16:30 HAVOCKrushL< 12-16
05/16/16Barelas #26:30 HAVOCSons of Pitches W 11-1
05/23/16Tingley #28:30 Revolution lHAVOCL< 18-19
06/06/16Los Altos #48:30 HAVOCShow Me Your HitsW 23-7
06/13/16Barelas #28:30 HAVOCGeneral MillsW 20-19
06/20/16Los Altos #46:30 HAVOCYMAW 17-16
06/27/16Barelas #27:30 SanchosHAVOCL< 13-18
06/27/16Barelas #28:30 CrushersHAVOCW 9-5
07/11/167:30 HAVOCGladiatorsW 13-1
07/18/16Tingley #17:30 HAVOCWar Pigs 1L< 1-13
07/25/16Los Altos #46:30 HAVOCAbq. HeatW 12-2
07/25/16Los Altos #48:30 HapticHAVOCL< 9-10
08/01/16Barelas #28:30 HAVOCSumco One ShortL< 0-7
08/08/16Tingley #16:30 KrushHAVOC


08/22/16Barelas #16:30 KrushHAVOCW 19-2

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