CABQ 2014 Summer Softball League

SCHEDULE FOR:Stray Catsdivision:

04/29/13Bullhead #16:30 Deli ChicksStray CatsW 14-2
05/06/13Los Altos #28:30 Silver GlovesStray CatsW 10-7
05/13/13Bullhead #37:30 Stray CatsKaosW 15-6
05/20/13Los Altos #26:30 FlyswattersStray CatsL< 7-8
06/03/13Barelas #36:30 Stray Cats4 Fun BunchW 13-0
06/10/13Bullhead #17:30 Stray CatsSmack ThatW 12-2
06/10/13Bullhead #18:30 JazzStray CatsW 21-3
06/17/13Los Altos #48:30 BM-Beast ModeStray CatsL< 10-11
06/24/13Bullhead #27:30 Stray CatsJazzW 11-5
07/01/13Los Altos #47:30 Stray CatsDeli ChicksW 17-4
07/08/13Tingley #18:30 Stray CatsBM-Beast Modescheduled
07/15/13Bullhead #46:30 Stray CatsSilver GlovesW 14-1
07/22/13Los Altos #37:30 KaosStray CatsW 19-5
07/29/13Tingley #26:30 Stray CatsFlyswattersW 12-2
08/05/13Bullhead #17:30 4 Fun BunchStray CatsW 15-7
08/12/13Bullhead #28:30 Smack ThatStray CatsW 7-0
08/19/13Los Altos #26:30 Stray CatsBM-Beast ModeL< 10-11
04/28/14Tingley #16:30 4 Fun BunchStray CatsW 34-1
05/05/14Bullhead #27:30 Mixed SilverStray CatsW 8-5
05/12/14Los Altos #18:30 Stray CatsJazzscheduled
05/19/14Tingley #27:30 American Pool & SpaStray CatsW 18-9
06/02/14Bullhead #48:30 R&P Dirty DukesStray CatsW 16-5
06/09/14Bullhead #26:30 Stray CatsLast MinuteL< 1-18
06/23/14Bullhead #36:30 Stray Cats4 Fun BunchW 15-0
06/30/14Los Altos #28:30 Stray CatsMixed SilverW 19-3
07/07/14Bullhead #37:30 Stray CatsJazzW 11-0
07/14/14Bullhead #27:30 Stray CatsAmerican Pool & SpaW 7-1
07/21/14Tingley #26:30 Stray CatsR&P Dirty DukesW 12-6
07/28/14Los Altos #16:30 Last MinuteStray CatsL< 7-8
08/04/14Bullhead #38:30 Stray CatsFlyswattersL< 5-8
08/11/14Tingley #27:30 4 Fun BunchStray CatsW 17-0
08/18/14Los Altos #27:30 FlyswattersStray CatsL< 8-9
08/18/14Los Altos #28:30 Mixed SilverStray CatsW 10-4
08/25/14Los Altos #16:30 Stray CatsJazzW 8-4
04/29/15Los Altos #16:30 Trauma MamasStray CatsL< 6-11
05/06/15Bullhead #26:30 Stray CatsNM Gold 2L< 5-12
05/13/15Bullhead #17:30 Stray CatsLegion Of DoomL< 0-13
05/20/15Bullhead #47:30 Stray CatsCalienteW 17-3
05/27/15Los Altos #27:30 Havin Fun 1Stray CatsW 10-9
06/03/15Vietnam Vets #18:30 Lady JokerzStray CatsW 18-6
06/10/15Vietnam Vets #26:30 Stray CatsSplashL< 10-11
06/17/15Los Altos #38:30 FlyswattersStray CatsW 11-5
07/08/15Los Altos #36:30 Stray CatsBad CompanyW 13-6
07/08/15Los Altos #18:30 Lady MagicStray CatsL< 6-17
07/15/15Bullhead #28:30 Stray CatsHigh Desert Diamonds S.G.L< 3-17
07/22/15Los Altos #17:30 Girls Just Having FunStray CatsL< 11-12
07/29/15Bullhead #37:30 Stray CatsTrauma Mamas


08/05/15Los Altos #17:30 NM Gold 2Stray CatsL< 9-15
08/12/15Los Altos #47:30 Legion Of DoomStray CatsL< 3-13
08/19/15Bullhead #36:30 Stray CatsCalienteW 16-12
08/26/15Los Altos #37:30 Stray CatsTrauma Mamas


09/02/15Los Altos #36:30 Stray CatsTrauma MamasL< 9-18
04/27/16Los Altos #28:30 Legion Of DoomStray CatsL< 18-19
05/04/16Los Altos #26:30 Stray CatsDerivativeW 13-3
05/11/16Bullhead #16:30 Won By OneStray CatsW 4-2
05/18/16Bullhead #17:30 Stray CatsFlyswattersL< 5-16
05/25/16Los Altos #27:30 Lady JokerzStray CatsW 16-0
06/01/16Los Altos #26:30 Pitches be CrazyStray CatsW 13-4
06/08/16Bullhead #28:30 Stray CatsHavin Fun 1W 3-2
06/15/16Bullhead #16:30 Trauma MamasStray CatsL< 13-16
06/22/16Los Altos #16:30 Stray CatsCalienteW 9-0
06/29/16Los Altos #18:30 Lady MagicStray CatsW 10-9
07/06/16Bullhead #36:30 SplashStray CatsL< 5-8
07/06/16Bullhead #37:30 Stray CatsHigh Desert Diamonds S.G.L< 1-28
07/13/16Bullhead #28:30 Stray CatsLegion Of DoomL< 7-22
07/20/16Los Altos #27:30 Havin Fun 1Stray CatsW 11-0
07/27/16Los Altos #28:30 Stray CatsPitches be CrazyL< 1-22
08/03/16Los Altos #27:30 Stray CatsWon By OneW 15-11

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