CABQ 2014 Summer Softball League

SCHEDULE FOR:The Gapdivision:

04/29/13Los Altos #48:30 AdrenalineThe GapL< 9-15
05/06/13Barelas #16:30 MonarchsThe GapL< 2-12
05/13/13Bullhead #28:30 The GapIce ItL< 6-12
05/20/13Tingley #26:30 Abq. CalienteThe GapL< 6-16
06/03/13Bullhead #26:30 The Gap113L< 10-12
06/10/13Los Altos #47:30 The GapPitch SlapW 24-14
06/10/13Los Altos #48:30 Goin DeepThe GapL< 9-24
06/17/13Barelas #26:30 KellysThe GapL< 9-15
06/24/13Los Altos #47:30 The GapGoin DeepW 12-8
07/01/13Bullhead #17:30 The GapAdrenalineW 10-5
07/08/13Martinez Town6:30 The GapKellysW 15-14
07/15/13Bullhead #38:30 The GapMonarchsW 16-13
07/22/13Bullhead #47:30 Ice ItThe GapL< 3-12
07/29/13Barelas #37:30 The GapAbq. CalienteL< 8-9
08/05/13Los Altos #36:30 113The GapL< 13-19
08/12/13Los Altos #28:30 Pitch SlapThe GapL< 14-15
04/28/14Tingley #27:30 Full Throtle The GapW 18-5
05/05/14Bullhead #36:30 The GapBeer TakersL< 0-10
05/12/14Vietnam Vets #28:30 The GapPitch Slap L< 4-6
05/19/14Los Altos #28:30 Goin DeepThe GapW 16-11
06/02/14Bullhead #16:30 The GapThe Justice LeagueL< 12-14
06/09/14Bullhead #47:30 The GapScared Hitless L< 11-16
06/16/14Bullhead #28:30 MonarchsThe GapL< 15-18
06/23/14Los Altos #37:30 The GapFull Throtle W 7-0
06/30/14Bullhead #36:30 Beer TakersThe GapL< 3-16
07/07/14Bullhead #27:30 Pitch Slap The GapW 17-9
07/14/14Bullhead #37:30 The GapGoin DeepL< 4-11
07/21/14Barelas #28:30 The Justice LeagueThe GapW 27-8
07/28/14Martinez Town6:30 Scared Hitless The GapL< 1-21
08/04/14Barelas #26:30 The GapMonarchsL< 3-13
08/11/14Barelas #26:30 Full Throtle The GapL< 6-7
08/18/14Bullhead #18:30 The GapBeer TakersL< 2-24

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