CABQ 2014 Spring Softball League

SCHEDULE FOR:Untouchablesdivision: Men's D League (Thr) A3

03/20/14Los Altos #47:30 UntouchablesGoon SquadL< 3-19
03/20/14Los Altos #48:30 Big League ChewUntouchablesW 27-18
03/27/14Vietnam Vets #27:30 UntouchablesGoon SquadL< 23-25
03/27/14Vietnam Vets #18:30 Atomic ShotsUntouchablesL< 18-27
04/03/14Barelas #16:30 UntouchablesBig League ChewW 26-16
04/03/14Barelas #18:30 The FranchiseUntouchablesL< 17-31
04/10/14Vietnam Vets #16:30 The FranchiseUntouchablesL< 6-18
04/10/14Vietnam Vets #17:30 UntouchablesAtomic ShotsL< 1-28
09/22/14Los Altos #26:30 SanchosUntouchablesL< 4-14
09/22/14Los Altos #37:30 UntouchablesNo Hitter QuittersW 16-10
09/29/14Los Altos #26:30 UntouchablesDirt BagsL< 14-16
09/29/14Los Altos #18:30 Feel The PowerUntouchablesW 35-5
10/06/14Los Altos #36:30 UntouchablesThe WhiffsW 18-14
10/06/14Los Altos #37:30 UntouchablesS.O.S.W 25-15
10/13/14Los Altos #27:30 No Hitter QuittersUntouchablesW 31-13
10/13/14Los Altos #28:30 Garden HosersUntouchablesW 22-6
10/20/14Los Altos #26:30 UntouchablesSanchos


10/20/14Los Altos #37:30 Dirt BagsUntouchables


10/27/14Bullhead #46:30 Dirt BagsUntouchablesL< 7-23
10/27/14Bullhead #48:30 UntouchablesSanchosW 16-15

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